Importance of Diet for Your Siberian Kitten

Providing a well- balanced natural diet will extended the lifespan of your Siberian kitten as well as make them less susceptible to diseases and illnesses. They will enjoy a healthier coat of fur, naturally balanced weight, higher energy levels, and improved dental health when fed the proper foods. The majority of pet food in the market place today contains meat-by-products, corn, wheat, preservatives and other ingredients which can all be detrimental to the health of your kitten. Allergies, kidney, urinary and thyroid conditions may develop as you cat ages and cause unnecessary suffering to your pet and to you. Being knowledgeable about your cat's diet will benefit their quality of life greatly.

A well balanced Siberian cat diet is one that consists of both wet and dry cat food. The best food for Siberian cats are grain free - rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Select brands that are made principally from animal or fish proteins such as chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit and salmon. Remember, no corn, wheat, meat-by-products or preservatives. Always read the ingredients listed on the product label carefully.

Foods Toxic to Your Siberian Kitten

There are several human foods that you should never feed your cat or leave around for them to get at. Consumption ofthese foods can be poisonous and cause diarrhea, vomiting and even death.

Raw Eggs, Fish and Meat– can contain salmonella, which can cause food poisoning.Chocolate– contains theobromine, which is an alkaline that is poisonous to cats. Avocados– have persin, which is toxic to Siberians.Liver– especially in large quantities, can cause vitamin A toxicity.Alcohol– can lead to brain and liver damage that can be fatal for your cat.
Onions and Garlic
Grapes and raisins

Certain plants are poisonous as well. Owners should google a list and have it handy when kitty proofing your home. Kittens and cats may swallow ribbons, rubber bands, dental floss and other such items which may cause an intestinal blockage and require surgical removal. Pills should never be openly accessible.